Monday, April 25, 2011

Furry Conventions Update!

Finnigan Here:

Where in the world have I been? Around, doing furry things, going to conventions, planning a costume I'm gonna put to use this summer, and working, so I can go to more conventions, of course.

Well. My first convention I ever went to was a success and a blast. It sparked a love for the fandom that I didn't think I had. It was exciting and awesome and I didn't really want to go home! I just wanted to dance in suit.
Here's the fursuit parade for Furnal Equinox 2011

Here I am after the dancing at like 2 AM, I took off a lot of clothes and you can see my skin, but I didn't really care for dancing cause it's dark and it was hothothot in there.

And then I went to Furry Connection North, in Novi, MI. It wasn't too impressive, to be honest, needed a bit of work on the panels and stuff, but the dances were great and my friends were awesome! Here's a clip of Saturday's Dance. I'm in there somewhere.

I also have tons and tons of pictures, but I'll save them for another post.
Sadly, I am not going to Anthrocon, it's far far too expensive for me to do that. It's an idea for next year, but there's plenty of small cons I think I'd rather go to. The next Convention I will be attending will be Condition: Red in London, Ontario July 22ndish. :D

Have a good one, guys!