Monday, February 14, 2011

Fursuiting With A Beginner;

Well; I went on a furry road trip to Oshawa, Ontario. So many lols were had and great memories were made, but something was really special about this road trip!

I came home with...

A fursuit partial! Made by Kitty!
Instead of shipping it, we went and picked it up.

I know I am supposed to wear something baggier but I didn't pack anything of that sort so these pictures will have to do until I get a proper outfit for her. Most of my clothes are super tight so I need to actually go out and buy some larger shirts.
You can't see the tail, but it's Massive! I could likely use it as a pillow if I really wanted. But it'd ruin the fur.

Riding in the car home with two other furries was amusing, we talked about various things in the fandom. The ride home involved me in suit some of the way home waving a cars passing by. It was especially amusing when we were stuck in traffic. I hope it made people's rides a little better while we were stopped or going like 30 clicks.

 My friend Tundru just got his suit made. It's beautiful! Just look at it!
Photograph taken by/ Suit made by Stormfire Studios
He just picked his up this weekend, after a crazy weekend of furry partying with the Toronto furs for some birthdays and just to party.

We're both new to fursuiting so we'll be learning as we go along. Probably suiting together in partials around the city of Windsor, Ont! If you see us! Give us a hug! We're super friendly!

Thanks for reading this, I really appreciate the time you're taking!

Edit: Here's another photo dump of pictures:

And then Kei hopped in my suit. :D

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