Monday, February 7, 2011

How to Entertain Furries?

How does one entertain the furry masses in their humble abode, you might ask?
Easy. Candy and good conversation. Mix in some techno and you've got a smashing good night.

As Windsor furs, me and Kei often have get-togethers with about 8 others in the area. These nights start out at a cute little Cafe and then usually migrate over to my apartment after I've "approved" who's there. I am not really one to let strangers into my apartment. Something tells me that is a terrible idea. Likely rooting back to my childhood along the lines of  "Don't talk to strangers."
Some really happy WAG furs. :D
Look at those happy faces. :3
(I blurred out faces for privacy reasons.)
Now, we are all 8+ completely different people. Most of us are college students. We are all going into different aspects. Really, our first common ground is only furries and an appreciation for animals. Some of us are in our 20's and some of us are in our teens. Trying to tend and cater to a wide demographic of people is hard when you don't know who's got what in common or what people don't like.
Our conversations really range. They could be about furry con expiriences, past meets, our new fursuits, our art, our commissions. And then you throw in real life talks about videogames, dancing, animals, food, school, home life. It's really not much different than your own group of friends, except a lot more accepting and open with eachother. While we don't really delve into eachothers secrets, we all still trust and know one another after a bit. If we come across an awkward spot, it doesn't hurt to bring up an internet meme or a viral video. Everybody loves Caturday/Lolcats.
:D Everybody loves Lolcats
If you've got a videogame system with come controllers, have a mini tourney or something along those lines. Nothing beats playing MarioKart 64! We've pulled out my SNES and played some oldschool Mariokart and had a blast doing it. We've also played bop-it. (Yes. I am a fiend for oldschool games.)

The best things about our get-togethers is the food. We eat SO much together. It's like we really do turn into a pack of wolves (with a ferret and a cat) and want to devour everything in sight.  It's a good thing we don't have these too often, otherwise I'm sure we'd all gain a few pounds.

Usually we order pizza or something along those lines to feed the pack. This time around Kei got the idea to make Candy Sushi and it turned out fantastically. We also made another attempt at mug brownies. The first attempt ended up in flames. Not quite true flames but there was definitely combustion in my microwave.

I really hope this has encouraged you to go out with a group of your Fur friends. We're really just a normal group of kids. If you're local, and you're interested in coming out to hang out, you are more than welcome to!
Windsor Furs have their own Fur affinity page. We are always welcoming new people. :)

If you're not local, have you ever thought of gathering up a few furs and going out on the town? You're likely not the only one in the city. Doesn't hurt to search! Websites like and and are all great resources at our fingertips! if you're near an area with a Con, go to the con and try to find local furs there!

I hope this article has helped you in planning your own event. Go out and have fun with your friends! You don't know what you're missing until you try!

For obvious safety reasons: I really don't advise anybody under that age of 18 to go out and just find people off of the internet, and never go out alone. Let other people know where you're going and when you'll be back. Have a public meeting place and always exercise proper caution when meeting new people.  And Remember: being safe and bringing a parent/friend/family member is much cooler than being kidnapped. ;)


  1. It's awesome that you guys have such an active group of friends! I haven't had anything like that since high school. It seems that everyone is just too busy with work and class these days.

    Looking forward to reading more! :D

  2. We make time, even with our hellish schedules. :3

  3. Thank you sooooo much for making furs look normal and not just some weird people. We are just as normal as then next average joe or jane


Sunshine and butterflies only. >:C