Thursday, February 3, 2011

Introductory Post

Every blog needs them; complete with promises to update often and about themselves.

I'm Finnigan but some folks call me Diffi.
I'm 18.
I'm a wolf at heart, and have always known this.
Although most furries are different, they've all still kept that want or wish to be an animal from their childhood.

If you're new to the fandom, I welcome you. You've probably been one for a long time and never realized it. Just because you don't have a tail or ears hiding in your closet doesn't mean you aren't one.
I thought that too.

I recently realized how the fandom has overrun my life.

We all played "animals" as kids. Don't deny it.
We all loved Lion King and Robin Hood.

I started poking my nose into Furcadia when I was eleven. Boy oh boy, I was in heaven! Animals that walked and talked!? Just like I always played as a kid! Awesome! And that was my addiction. For years.
Years and years there was nothing but School and Furcadia. When I didn't have internet, I found a way to talk to my friends.
Oddly enough Furcadia and Real Life Fandomers, don't really mix. I couldn't possibly tell you why. The furries I know RL will not get involved with Furcadia and the Furcadia people I know rarely ever want anything to do with Furries in their real life.
To each their own, I suppose.

Do I own a Fursuit?
I'm picking it up next week. It's made by Kitty. It's extremely afforadble. I only ordered a partial for my Finnigan suit, So there's the mask.

What am I gonna do in said fursuit?
Dance. Play. But mainly Dance. And hang about with friends. Run around town.
I hope to go more into the perfromance aspect of suiting.

Don't you know what some furries do in their suits?
I'm sorry, but that seems like a really dirty waste of $400+ to do the dirty in a suit. I mean, you get sweaty enough.

You gonna post pictures?

You gonna go to Furry Conventions?
Got my room booked for Furnal Equinox 2011. I waited till I moved out and got a suit, pretty much.
Also, I'm going to try to get co-authors for this blog. Guest speakers and the likes. Artists, fans, suitmakers, videos, ect, ect.
I totally intend on going to as many as my budget can handle.

I intend on getting some co-authors. Just to mix things up a bit.
Get some guest posts, statements, ect, ect.

Well That's my intro post.
Hope you enjoy!

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